The internet as a technology driver
Without the Internet, there would be less of an incentive to invent and less invention means less progress. The Internet makes it possible for us to know more of what is happening around us. And being aware means also becoming aware of how much more we can do. For instance, if you know blogs are the current big thing, as a technology creator, you’re going to try and come up with more applications that will help you make more blogs. The Internet by making us more aware of what is possible. In short, the Internet has allowed human mind to use itself even better and helped human mankind punch way above it’s weight category.
The Internet by being the most powerful tool invented, so far, for better knowledge sharing and collaborative working allows the human brain to work as a collective whole. And that is greatest technological invention of Internet times: the collective human brain working from different parts of the world, in unison.
Blogs, emotions, etc. How interacting with people doesn’t need people anymore. It has done more for communications between humans, and humans, than anything humans has managed in all the years leading up to the Internet.
The Internet as a weapon of mass destruction: More potent in today’s technology driven times than any nuclear weapon of massive destruction, the Internet is the weapon Democracy used to streamroll into formerly unconquerable lands. In simple, English, if more people are being freed in prisons across the world, the Internet can take a fair share of the credit for it. If more governments are becoming less oppressive, it’s got a lot to with the Internet- case in point, the successful Orange Revolution in Ukraine. The Internet has made it easier for us to express ourselves. And the ability to express oneself easily can be- as has been demonstrated in formerly oppressive societies around the world- a very powerful thing.....
at 7:14 PM