Handheld devices are vulnerable to virus threats because their operating systems are similar to that of computing devices. Viruses affect all operating systems in handheld technology. While we have seen last year viruses written to affect Symbian operating system such as the Caribe, Windows based OS remains the biggest target of virus creators because of the popularity of the system and hence are affected the most.
Handheld devices, and especially PDA's are setting prevalence on individual and corporate bases. In this region, we have seen the PDA market booming last year, a trend expected to continue at a fast pace. Consumers are preferring PDA's and Smartphones because of the extra features they provide and their compatibility and convenience for their daily events and business operations.
The effect of viruses on handheld devices is severe in several ways. For example, viruses can cause the loss of all critical data on PDA if not protected properly. Moreover, many handheld carriers plug their devices to their office computers and transfer data in and out or synchronize contacts and appointments. This action causes viruses residing in PDA's, to be transferred into the corporate network as well. Organizations invest a lot of money securing their networks yet unaware of the fact that infected handheld devices are also a virus transfer method. As the use of handheld devices, thanks to their convenience and enhanced features, increases, the getting communication devices and entire networks affected is augmented; in fact, viruses affecting handheld devices have cost companies billions of dollars in recent years.
Viruses penetrate PDA's, Smartphones and other handheld devices in many ways; exchanging data from an infected machine is the most common. Other ways include Bluetooth, infrared, downloading infected mail attachments and browsing the web with their devices.
Organizations lack awareness of handheld security measures in the region. The concept of corporate antivirus security is relatively new and only recently major corporations have implemented corporate security onto their networks. Therefore, handheld security knowledge is still falling far behind.
Moreover, security companies in the region are yet to take the right step in acknowledging the problem publicly, raising awareness to the danger of viruses, and providing a solution.
Despite all the risk associated with handheld, prevention methods exist. Installing an antivirus solution and making sure signatures are constantly updated is the best method of prevention. On a corporate level, policies should be in place to allow only certain users in a managerial level to use their PDA's with the company's network. Even those few users should have an antivirus solution installed on their handheld devices. Handheld manufacturers also have a great role to play in protecting the end users. All computing devices like desktops and laptops are nowadays sold with an antivirus solution pre-installed. We believe the PDA market will move in this direction soon.
Computer Associates understands that the PDA market is expanding in the Arab world and CA has taken the initiative in the region addressing the risks associated with handheld devices through awareness campaigns. We also conducted one-to-one consultation meetings with security managers of major organizations. As part of our commitment to the region, CA is also in talks with major manufacturers of handheld devices for a joint action plan in providing pre-installed antivirus or provides a CA downloadable solution on their websites. The response and the results have been very positive.
Computer Associates is a corporate focused organizations expanding into the commercial and end user market segments. We have dedicated a focus to provide protection to end-users. This puts CA in a unique and competitive position to examine the problems from all aspects.
Lots of companies have antivirus solutions for the handheld technology; however, Computer Associates is offering one complete single solution that contains executables for desktop, laptops and handheld devices. With CA, it is unnecessary to purchase two separate solutions like other companies offer.
Computer Associates eTrust Antivirus 7.1 which installs itself on handheld devices and gives the option of updating signature files from within the device itself. Another feature is the facility to manage the product on your handheld from a centralized corporate network. If eTrust Antivirus is installed on the corporate network, it can manage wireless devices as well.
CA's eTrust Antivirus offers protection against all the latest and known viruses as well as 100% protection against viruses in the wild. It has also ranked the number one solution for 30 consecutive times by the Security Information Center proving our superior technology in identifying unknown viruses.
Computer Associates has a 24x7 research facility in five locations conducting threat research. CA's eTrust Antivirus covers the largest number of platforms and operating systems including Palm, Windows CE, Smartphones, MAC, UNIX and others.
The next release of CA eTrust will feature a faster and a real enterprise deployable solution managing hundreds of thousands of connected and wireless devices from a central location which will distinguish the solution among competition.
Sunday, May 22, 2005 at 11:41 PM